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Pelvic Floor Health 101: Key Insights for a Confident Birth and Recovery

In January, Break Free Pelvic Health & Wellness hosted a Birth Preparation Class, led by Dr. Gretchen Brooker DPT, PRPC, for women who were 28 weeks pregnant or more in Charleston. The class focused on pelvic floor health and getting ready for birth. Dr. Brooker shared important insights about how the pelvic floor supports the body during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum recovery, while also offering practical tips for both vaginal birth and C-section recovery.

At our Johns Island location, we took time to go over each attendee’s birth plan and tailored the session to meet their unique needs, giving everyone personalized advice and tools for their pregnancy journey. From techniques to manage labor positions and reduce strain during delivery to tips for safe postpartum recovery, participants left feeling more prepared and confident. Partners also attended the class to learn how they can implement these techniques and provide support during labor. One important takeaway from the class was the impact of pushing positions on labor and recovery. “The best pushing position depends on what feels right for mom and how the baby is descending,” explained Dr. Brooker. “Pushing on your back can lead to more strain and tearing—the key is to place a rolled towel or pillow under the tailbone to allow it to extend properly.” 

The class also covered key postpartum topics like strengthening the pelvic floor, managing pressure in the early days, abdominal healing, and understanding how breastfeeding can impact recovery, especially with the return to intimacy. Partners even got hands-on guidance for supporting sacral and hip mobility. We also explored effective pushing techniques, discussing the differences between open and closed glottis pushing. Research shows that while closed glottis pushing generates more force, it can be exhausting and place excessive strain on the pelvic floor. Although hospitals often encourage this method, beginning with open glottis pushing is generally recommended to reduce strain and support pelvic health. It was an interactive, informative session that left everyone with a deeper understanding of their pelvic health and how to navigate the journey ahead with confidence.

Give us a call at 843-471-0351 or fill out the form here to learn more about how we can support your pregnancy and postpartum journey.